Andri Nugroho (2009-2012)

Current Job: –

Final Project: The Design of Current Transient Reduction Cause Load Starting on Electric Line Resident Scale 900VA

(Desain Alat Pereduksi Arus Transien Akibat Starting Beban Pada Jaringan Listrik Skala Rumah Tangga 900VA)


Every electrical equipment at the beginning of operation will take a relatively larger current than the nominal current. Electrical devices in which there are transistors and there is a combination of circuits in them which are easily exposed to transient voltages due to the initial ignition of the electronic device. This causes easy damage to electronic components, especially transistors and their combined circuits. When the condition of the equipment turns on quickly, a very large current is needed when compared to the nominal steady-state current. This surge in current is called a transient current. The function of this tool is useful for reducing the starting spikes of electrical appliances in the household, especially when peak loads occur, thereby securing electronic devices from large transient currents.
In principle, the work of this tool is when the ATMega8 microcontroller provides a logic 0 output to pin 2 of MOC3041 which has been given a voltage of 5 volts at pin 1, the LED in the MOC3041 lights up and is censored by a photodiode that has zero crossing in it which is able to make an Opto-Triac. it begins to conduct when the input voltage cycles at zero. Then trigger the gate on the triac which has 220Vac voltage flowing, so that after the triggering occurs the triac will flow but is delayed because the voltage flows to the load starting from zero so that the load turns on safely.
The reducer that has been made has a 900VA household-scale capacity with an AC voltage of 220 Volts and a frequency of 50 Hz and has also been tried and tested and data taken on a 343 Watt “LG” refrigerator. From the results of the analysis and discussion before using a reducing device, the average transient current that occurs is 1.84 amperes and by using a reducing device, the transient current can be reduced to 1.26 amperes so that the power of the tool reduces the current spike if it is presented as a percentage of 31.52% of current before using the reducer.