Current job: Engineer

Final Project:
Merakit Kendali Motor Induksi Satu Fasa Menggunakan Rangkaian Dimmer Berbasis Mikrokontroler
(Assembling a Single Phase Induction Motor Control Using a Microcontroller Based Dimmer Circuit)
Induction motors are a type of electric motor that is widely used for household or industrial purposes because induction motors have the advantage of having a simple structure, sturdy, relatively cheap price, and easy maintenance.
However, single-phase induction motors have drawbacks such as having a very large slip value (difference in the rotational speed of the stator field to the rotor field speed), and the induction motor is difficult to control its rotational speed. To overcome one of the shortcomings of single-phase induction motors, a speed regulation strategy is needed.
From several weaknesses and a description of the speed regulation strategy of a single-phase induction motor, in this study the author will assemble a single-phase induction motor control using a voltage regulation strategy with a dimmer topology using switching semiconductor components in the form of TRIAC. The speed regulation is done by adjusting the pulse width on the TRIAC gate signal which is triggered by a pulse from the OC1A microcontroller so that the output voltage on the motor can change. In triggering the TRIAC, an ATmega8 microcontroller is needed as the main control for the dimmer circuit, while the potentiometer is used as a voltage input value to the ADC (Analog to Digital Converter) microcontroller to generate the PWM value.
From the test results of the final project tool, the performance of a single-phase induction motor when using a dimmer circuit control such as the motor rotation speed can be set from the lowest nominal speed at 0.0Nm load is 1495rpm and the highest speed is 1498rpm. Meanwhile, when the load is 2.3Nm, the lowest nominal speed is 1476rpm and the highest speed is 1481rpm.