Current Job: Teacher

Thesis: Comparative Study of Ecirr Model with Pbl Model Assisted by EKTs Software on Learning Outcomes of Electromechanical and Electronic Control Systems
(Studi Perbandingan Model Ecirr Dengan Model Pbl Berbantuan Software Ekts Terhadap Hasil Belajar Sistem Kontrol Elektromekanik Dan Elektronik)
Co-Supervisor: Drs. Slamet Wibawanto, MT.
This research is motivated by the lack of student learning outcomes in the subject of electromechanical and electronic control systems. In this case, the researcher reveals the difference between the ECIRR learning model assisted by EKTS software and the PBL learning model assisted by EKTS software to determine learning outcomes of electromechanical and electronic control systems in class XI TOI SMK PGRI Singosari. The method used in this study is a quasi-experimental (Quasi-Experimental Design) with a Non-Equivalent Control Group Design pattern. The research subjects were all students of class XI TOI SMK PGRI Singosari. The objects are class XI TOI 1 students as experimental class A and class XI TOI 2 students as experimental class B with a total of 39 and 37.
In this study, data from learning outcomes were obtained through posttest scores which were analyzed with the help of statistical analysis software, namely SPSS 21 for Windows. The results of the study found that the average value of the class that applied the ECIRR model assisted by the EKTS software in the knowledge and skills aspects got 84 and 84.24, while the class that applied the PBL model assisted by the EKTS software in the knowledge and skills aspects got 79 and 82.4. This states that there is a significant difference in learning outcomes between the two classes that have been treated with the learning model
Wuri Handayani, Aripriharta, Slamet Wibawanto, 2020. Perbedaan Hasil Belajar Sistem Kontrol Elektromekanik dan Elektronik Antara Kelas Dengan Model ECIRR dan Model PBL Berbantuan Software EKTS Pada Siswa Menengah Kejuruan, TEKNO Vol 30 (2020) link