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Thesis: Prediction of the Number of Private Vehicles in Indonesia Using the Moving Average Method
(Prediksi Jumlah Kendaraan Pribadi Di Indonesia Dengan Metode Moving Average)
Vehicles are transportation used by Indonesian people such as cars and motorbikes. Every year the number of vehicles in Indonesia increases. The rapid increase has made the government have to improve the road infrastructure services evenly.
This requires a significant source of funds, one of which is vehicle tax. To estimate how much infrastructure needs, the government needs to know how much vehicle growth is needed so that a method is able to predict the number of vehicles each year.
One method that can be used to predict the number of vehicles in the future is the moving average method, by implementing data on the number of vehicles in the previous period as training data tested using that method. Where the percentage error rate appears less than 10% of the difference in the real amount. The design of this decision support system is expected to be useful for the author in applying the theory of knowledge that is owned and related parties as a reference to obtain information.