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Thesis: A New MPPT based on Queen Honey Bee Migration (QHBM) in Stand-alone Photovoltaic
Co-Supervisor: Irham Fadlika, MT.
Abstract: This paper presents a new maximum power point tracking algorithm (MPPT) which developed by using Queen Honey Bee Migration (QHBM) [11]. The proposed QHBM based MPPT uses Queen for making a decision in searching MPPT on the stand-alone PV panel. The Queen migrates from initial voltage to the voltage at MPP and finally stopped her journey and build a hive. The simulation results show that QHBM could surpass P and O, PSO and Fuzzy in term of computation speed, robustness, and error margin to the MPP. Moreover, our QHBM based MPPT could perform better respond to the irradiation change compare to its competitors.
K. H. Wibowo, Aripriharta, I. Fadlika, G. J. Horng, S. Wibawanto and F. W. Y. Saputra, “A New MPPT based on Queen Honey Bee Migration (QHBM) in Stand-alone Photovoltaic,” 2019 IEEE International Conference on Automatic Control and Intelligent Systems (I2CACIS), 2019, pp. 123-128, doi: 10.1109/I2CACIS.2019.8825025. link
F. W. Y. Saputra, Aripriharta, I. Fadlika, N. Mufti, K. H. Wibowo and G. J. Jong, “Efficiency Comparison between DC and AC Grid Toward Green Energy In Indonesia,” 2019 IEEE International Conference on Automatic Control and Intelligent Systems (I2CACIS), 2019, pp. 129-134, doi: 10.1109/I2CACIS.2019.8825014. link
Kusmayanto Hadi Wibowo et al 2019 IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng. 588 012017. link