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Thesis: Analysis of the Effect of Harmonic Current of Electrostatic Precipitator Load on Paiton Power Plant Overcurrent Relay Work
(Analisis Pengaruh Arus Harmonisa Beban Electrostatic Precipitator Terhadap Kerja Rele Arus Lebih Pltu Paiton)
Co-Supervisor: Irham Fadlika, MT.
Abstract: This paper presents an analysis of the impact of harmonic currents on overcurrent relay settings. In the case of a Steam Power Plant (PLTU) with an Electrostatic Precipitator (ESP) load, this can cause an increase in load current exceeding the overcurrent relay setting. As a result, overcurrent relays will trip. From the survey obtained TDD ESP PLTU data in each phase were obtained 4.75%, 5.16% and 5.02%, where phases B and C exceeded the limits in the IEEE standard. We have simulated using MATLAB / Simulink in two scenarios. Simulations with linear loads and nonlinear loads (ESP) to determine the impact of harmonics on the performance of overcurrent relays. The harmonic current source is modeled based on archived data. The simulation results show that the current relay arrangement is more ideal for the case of this study is 52506.75 A.
I. Rahmawati, Aripriharta, I. Fadlika, A. Rahmadani, E. D. Jayanti and G. Jiun Horng, “Impact of Electrostatic Precipitator Harmonics on the Performance of Overcurrent Relays,” 2019 5th International Conference on Science and Technology (ICST), 2019, pp. 1-5, doi: 10.1109/ICST47872.2019.9166173. link
A. Rahmadani, Aripriharta, I. Fadlika, I. Rahmawati, H. A. Muna and G. Jia Jong, “Reconfiguration of Protection System on 70kV Transmission Network,” 2019 5th International Conference on Science and Technology (ICST), 2019, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/ICST47872.2019.9166328. link