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Study of the Effect of Bus Sensitivity on Load Shedding In Malang 20 Kv Distribution System
(Studi Pengaruh Sensitivitas Bus Terhadap Load Shedding Pada Sistem Distribusi 20 Kv Malang)
Co- Suvervisor: Irham Fadlika, MT.
Load shedding is conducted when there is imbalance in electric power system. The aim of load shedding is to stabilize voltage and frequency until tolerance limits allowed. It is based on State Electricity Company (PLN) standard of +5% and -10% change from the nominal voltage value of 20 kV distribution system. This paper presents a sensitivity analysis using dV/dQ approach based on load shedding. Load shedding was conducted in bus which had the highest sensitivity, so the voltage was able to increase significantly. The data used in this paper were taken from on site 20 kV distribution system with 5 feeders. We simulations with 2 scenarios. The first is aimed to capture the voltage and reactive power. The bus sensitivity and load shedding are then obtained based on the simulation results. The second is load shedding mechanism to observe the voltage response. Based on our results, the sensitivity of each feeder is about 0,0325 for Pattimura feeder, 0,0343 for Bunul feeder, 0,0319 for Zaenal zakse feeder, 0,02 for Jodipan feeder and 0,0189 for Lowokwaru feeder respectively.
H. Al Muna, A. Aripriharta, I. Fadlika, E. D. Jayanti, I. Rahmawati and G. J. Horng, “Sensitivity Analysis of 20 kV Distribution System Under Fault Condition,” 2019 5th International Conference on Science and Technology (ICST), 2019, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/ICST47872.2019.9166191. link
A. Rahmadani, Aripriharta, I. Fadlika, I. Rahmawati, H. A. Muna and G. Jia Jong, “Reconfiguration of Protection System on 70kV Transmission Network,” 2019 5th International Conference on Science and Technology (ICST), 2019, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/ICST47872.2019.9166328. link