Current Job: Engineer

Thesis: Comparative Analysis of Dc Grid Efficiency With Ac Grid In Solar Power Generation Systems
(Analisa Perbandingan Efisiensi Dc Grid Dengan Ac Grid Pada Sistem Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Surya)
Co-Supervisor: Irham Fadlika, MT.
Indonesia is a country with a large potential for renewable energy. However, Indonesia is still very dependent on fossil fuels, especially coal. Renewable energy such as water, wind, and solar energy can be an option to replace fossil fuels that continue to decrease. The development of renewable energy has led to many studies now pointing to hybrid electricity systems. At present the AC grid is still the main choice in hybrid systems. This is because the main electricity system especially in Indonesia uses AC grid. Besides that, one of the advantages of AC grids is the process of increasing and decreasing voltage easily. However, the loads that exist in many households are DC loads, for example LED TVs, LED lights and other electronics equipment. The increasing number of conversion processes from AC to
DC will cause conversion losses.
In this study, we will present the results the design of a hybrid photovoltaic (PV) system that is integrated with PLN. The grid system evaluated in this paper is AC grid and DC grid. This system is applied to household loads. Load Profile of
household expenses is obtained through the results of a survey of 10 families in Indonesia. The design is carried out considering the efficiency of the bus so that the percentage of power losses in the DC grid system and AC grid can be known. In this paper also presents how the influence of voltage and current on the DC grid and AC grid on load changes. From the results of this study it is known that the efficiency of the DC grid reaches 99.16% while the AC grid is 98.30%. Based on the results we have obtained, DC grid has the same opportunity to become the main electricity system as well as a promising alternative in household applications in remote areas for the near future.
F. W. Y. Saputra, Aripriharta, I. Fadlika, N. Mufti, K. H. Wibowo and G. J. Jong, “Efficiency Comparison between DC and AC Grid Toward Green Energy In Indonesia,” 2019 IEEE International Conference on Automatic Control and Intelligent Systems (I2CACIS), 2019, pp. 129-134, doi: 10.1109/I2CACIS.2019.8825014. link
K. H. Wibowo, Aripriharta, I. Fadlika, G. J. Horng, S. Wibawanto and F. W. Y. Saputra, “A New MPPT based on Queen Honey Bee Migration (QHBM) in Stand-alone Photovoltaic,” 2019 IEEE International Conference on Automatic Control and Intelligent Systems (I2CACIS), 2019, pp. 123-128, doi: 10.1109/I2CACIS.2019.8825025. link
Kusmayanto Hadi Wibowo et al 2019 IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng. 588 012017. link
Visiting Scholar at UTM