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3 Phase Induction Motor Rotational Speed Control Trainer With Inverter As Learning Media In Power Electronics Course
(Trainer Kendali Kecepatan Putaran Motor Induksi 3 Fasa Dengan Inverter Sebagai Media Pembelajaran Pada Mata Kuliah Elektronika Daya)
Currently inverter applications is widely used in the fields of industry, health, education as well as in electronic devices which used in everyday life. For example is the use of Altivar 12 Inverter, has a effective control methods to be applied to three-phase induction motors. Previously, there are still many difficulties for the students at the State University of Malang, especially the Faculty of Engineering Department of Electrical Engineering in Power Electronics cou se in
particular on the subject of the application Inverter. Lack of facilities or infrastructure media is one of the problems in understanding the concept of the subject and its applications. As a result there were many promblems in the implementation of the student learning process especially in the lab activities. With this trainer with inverter altivar 12, students are expected to accelerate the understanding of concepts and skills in the practicum course Power Electronics and motivated to learn.
Research methods in the development of research, the steps are as follows: (1) surgical curriculum, (2) identification of the media, (3) the development of the manuscript, (4) production, (5) improvement, (6) the test/ trial; and (7) revision.
Based on test results, the percentage obtained from each subject try the following: (1) validation score media expert, obtained a percentage of 83.65%, (2) validation score matter expert, obtained a percentage of 86.45%, and (3) scores feasibility questionnaire by 88,52%. It can be concluded that the development trainer rotation speed control 3-phase induction motor in courses in the Department of Electrical Power Electronics University of Malang is valid and fit for use as teaching materials.
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